Snapchat is not a new name for most people in recent times, especially the youngsters. This application has made its place in no time and outshined most of its competitors due to its immensely unique and attractive features. Emojis grabs a great significance on this online platform, as there is a particular meaning of each visual symbol on Snapchat. Also, there are different Snapchat emoji with each contact name which has its own meaning.
For instance, Gold Star means that someone has replayed this person's snaps in the last 24 hours. Yellow Heart denotes that you are best friends with each other. Similarly, Birthday Cake represents that this friend has a birthday. You can get a complete list of Snapchat emoji meanings on this page.
Snapchat is a mobile networking app founded back in 2011. This platform allows users to share photographs and videos with friends which disappear after they view them. Snapchat is the first platform to introduce the feature of notifying a user when anyone takes a screenshot of their snap or story. The platform’s worth increased after it came up with filters and selfie lenses which transform a user into fun characters or add extra crisp to your captured image. Another distinctive feature of Snapchat is the streak score and friend emojis that defines your bond on the app with other users.
The chat notifications in Snapchat differ from one another, depending upon what you have received or sent. Let’s look into the symbols for different types of chat notifications on Snapchat.
Delivered a snap: It’s represented with right facing arrow filled with red.
Delivered a video: This notification is denoted with a right-facing arrow in purple.
Delivered a text: The right arrow in blue color is the symbol for showing a text is delivered on Snapchat.
Pending snap or video: The snaps or videos sent to the people who haven’t added you as a friend on Snapchat will be portrayed with a grey arrow symbol.
Received a snap: If you have a received a snap, the symbol that will be shown is a red filled square.
Received a video: When you’ll receive a video, the notification will show purple filled square.
Received text: The notification of receiving a text is portrayed with a message symbol in blue color.
Opened a snap: The right-facing arrow filled with red will turn into a right-facing arrow just outlined with red when a recipient has opened a snap.
Opened a video: A hollow arrow pointing right and outlined with purple is the symbol that represents the receiver has opened the video.
Opened a text: The hollow right arrow symbol outlined with blue denotes that the receiver has opened the text.
Snap viewed: If you have viewed the snap, the symbol will turn into a hollow red square.
Video viewed: The hollow purple square will denote you have viewed the video.
Viewed text: The hollow message symbol in blue represents that you have viewed the received text.
Snap’s screenshot: This symbol in red represents that the receiver has taken a screenshot of your sent snap.
Video’s screenshot: This purple symbol shows that the recipient has taken a screenshot of your file with audio.
Chat’s screenshot: When your friend takes a screenshot of chat, you’ll be notified with this blue symbol.
Snap replayed: The replay icon in red color shows your sent snap has been replayed.
Video replayed: The purple replay icon shows your sent video has been replayed.
The emojis in front of each of your friend’s chat show the level of connection between you and your friends. Let’s discover the meaning of all emojis you might find in front of chats.
💕 Super BFF
This emoji in front of a chat means that you have been #1 best friend with each other for two months in a row.
❤️ BFF
The red heart emoji represents that you two are BFF, as you both have been each other’s #1 best friend for two weeks in a row.
💛 Besties
The yellow heart emoji is for besties. This emoji is displayed on the chats with whom you have most snaps.
😊 BFs
The smiling face emoji on a chat shows that this snapchatter is one of your best friends.
😬 Mutual Besties
The grimacing face emoji comes in front of those people’s chats who have the same #1 best friend like you.
🎂 Birthday
The cake emoji notifies you that it’s your friend’s birthday.
🔥 Snapstreak
This fire emoji comes alongside the number of days written on the chats that represent how long you have continually sent streaks to each other.
⌛️ Snapstreak is Ending
The hourglass emoji comes on a chat when your streak is about to end with that person. If you or the other person hasn’t sent a snap within 24 hours, your snapstreak will be lost.
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